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{|$clientname|} - error handling

Good afternoon. Such a problem.
In notifications (letter and sms), {|$clientname|} is used to address the client
But there are orders where in the notifications the address is only by last name ( https://prnt.sc/xsqgw9 ), although the first name also appears in the order data ( https://prnt.sc/xsqhdm ). What is the reason and how can it be corrected?
Original question is available on version: ru


clientname substitutes values from the order.clientname process field (you can see it in the settings of the universal block)
so you either change the variables or check that at the time of creating the process there was both the first and last name of the contact, since this field is filled in at the time the client is added to the process
you can also display it in the interface and edit it
29.01.2021, 11:34
Original comment available on version: ru

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