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Turn into a process

You need to fix the automatic action so that it pulls the letter into the comment as a "letter" and not as a "change" (viber, telegram, etc., as a comment, not as a "change")
Here are two identical processes:
1. One is created automatically. https://prnt.sc/ur145m
2. The second one is created by an action from an event. https://prnt.sc/ur14ew
In essence, the actions are exactly the same. But they work differently, and for viber, telegram and other integrations too.
Please fix this bug so that it works the same way, that it adds a separate tab with the event in the comments.
This post is a continuation of the topic in this thread: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/pochta-email/1414-avtomaticheskoe-deystvie-i-d...
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, I don't think what you describe is a bug. You can do whatever you want in 1 hour. If you had a cloud version of boxing, this task would be free for you.
05.10.2020, 16:19
Original comment available on version: ru

OK thanks
It's a pity that good ideas for improving the system are not counted))) otherwise I would have scored a few "points" in the treasury of free improvements.
05.10.2020, 17:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Hello, I don't think what you describe is a bug. You can do whatever you want in 1 hour. If you had a cloud version of boxing, this task would be free for you.

It's still a bug and I'll explain why.
The fact is that if you manually attach a letter to the process, then it is added as a letter to the comment feed with all the files and "beautiful"
It doesn't work that way with automatic action. Firstly, files are not added to the process, and the letter ceases to be HTML, and some letters lose their meaning, since they cannot be read.
07.10.2020, 10:31
Original comment available on version: ru

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