payment was on February 11
so can we expect today?
Here's what the upgrade will look like
We have a list of client addresses,
which are stored in the directory make a revision so that we can tick the line with the data,
which we want to remove from the directory
This is how the table with the client's addresses in the personal account is displayed
There are blocks of a personal account: Contact in the directory N
1. For directories, add a field with the Check mark type
2. Add a block setting, a checkmark with a description
How does it work
1. Create a lookup field with checkbox type and name Delete
2. Turn on the block setting Display the field here:
4. This is how the checkmark looks in your account
When we mark and go to the stage of the process
the entry is removed from the directory
5. It is necessary that OneBox be sure to ask,
does it really need to be removed?
and only after confirmation deleted.