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Legal entity card interface

We set up interfaces for individuals and legal entities.
Has its own company: https://box.ergoglass.md/admin/shop/users/5/ and the "employees" group is assigned to it
And there is another one (also a legal entity): https://box.ergoglass.md/admin/shop/users/3929/
But their interfaces are different, although in theory they should be like for legal entities: https://box.ergoglass.md/admin/shop/users/typesex/
How to make the legal entity interface the same for all _Or_ how to remove the interface settings for a group of contacts so that the contact takes the interface from the "contact types" settings: individual or legal entity?
In contact groups, it is not possible to copy the interface from other groups or completely remove the interface settings. Is it possible to add an option to delete settings so that after that the settings of the interface of contact types, and not groups, are used.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. To remove an interface from a contact group, go into it and delete all blocks. After that, save and do not save a second time.
25.12.2020, 17:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
go into it and remove all blocks. After that save

25.12.2020, 18:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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