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Refinement of price creation

It is necessary to create an automatic rule for creating and sending a price list to clients of the WHOLESALE, VIP, Dealer groups.
1. The price should include products with the Prom brand.
2. There should also be a filter: if the quantity in the warehouse is less than the minimum reserve, then the product does not fall into the price list.
3. The price list should contain the following fields: Article, Product name from the additional field of the product "Product name", Wholesale price in $, and an empty field with the name Order.
The Article column must be in the Text format so that the first digit “0” does not disappear in the article.
4. Also, the goods in the price list must be grouped by the type of goods, and not by the category in which it is located. Types of goods:
- Protective glass on the camera;
- Glass with UV glue;
- 3D glass with curved edges;
- Glass 9D;
- 3D glass with glue on the entire surface;
- 3D glass with glue around the perimeter;
- Accessories.
In e
Original question is available on version: ru


at the moment there is such an action - https://prnt.sc/ufcxc6 , it solves half of your points
11.09.2020, 09:51
Original comment available on version: ru

We have implemented it. But the price template turns out to be incorrect: the sequence of columns is not correct, all products are displayed, and not those that are in stock (although this filter is enabled); alphabetical sorting doesn't work either;
11.09.2020, 10:02
Original comment available on version: ru

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