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Allo integration not working


When requesting their API, a similar error arrives as in this question
check in those support Hello, current access
06.02.2023, 15:57
Original comment available on version: ru

OneBox production wrote:
When requesting their API, a similar error arrives as in this question
check in those support Hello, current access

Happened. Only no goods get into zazaz
08.02.2023, 14:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Products are searched by default by the SKU field (in the field mapping setting, you can select a different field to search/create a product)
If this product has not been created and the Do not create new checkbox is checked, then the product will not be added to the process as a dummy product
08.02.2023, 15:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Лободзинский Сергій Витальевич
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OneBox production wrote:
Products are searched by default by the SKU field (in the field mapping setting, you can select a different field to search/create a product)
If this product has not been created and the Do not create new checkbox is checked, then the product will not be added to the process as a dummy product

The Allo product code consists of our product article and store number. Our article is 086701, and the article of the product on Allo is 086701-1615.
08.02.2023, 18:39
Original comment available on version: ru

You can set the "PREG template for product search based on SKU" setting
to get 086701 from 086701-1615 to search for a product in the system
09.02.2023, 09:26
Original comment available on version: ru

Лободзинский Сергій Витальевич
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you

OneBox production wrote:
You can set the "PREG template for product search based on SKU" setting
to get 086701 from 086701-1615 to search for a product in the system

Need to write this (.*)-.*???
09.02.2023, 09:54
Original comment available on version: ru

if your article format on ALLO consists of: YourArticle-IxCode, then yes, you can enter this construction, but if not, you can independently specify the regular expression you need for your requests
09.02.2023, 10:00
Original comment available on version: ru


Sergey Lobodzinsky Vitalyevich wrote:
It worked. Only no goods fall into the order

Good day!
And what did you do to start working?
05.04.2023, 11:53
Original comment available on version: ua

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