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Boxes for importing from CS-cart

1. In the cs-cart administration, the status "incomplete" is displayed. It is not possible to set it manually, the vin is automatically set only if the client selects payment online, but confirmation from the payment system does not come.
This status cannot be selected in the import application https://take.ms/feuaZ
But we misunderstood that it should be requested with the parameter include_incompleted=true , so the instructions are also given: https://take.ms/YGDMi
Tell me, be kind, skilki will cost you more money to take such an engagement to boxing?
2. It is necessary to take away "customer's cats". Tse unfinished and left the prayer. API allows: https://docs.cs-cart.com/latest/developer_guide/api/entities/carts.html
Please, be kind, in what way can you take them to boxing?
3. Є block "reviews about the product". In the description of the API, the essence of the discussion: https://docs.cs-cart.com/latest/developer_guide/api/entities/discussions.htm
Original question is available on version: ru


1. In the cs-cart administration, the status "incomplete" is displayed. It is not possible to set it manually, the vin is automatically set only if the client selects payment online, but confirmation from the payment system does not come.
This status cannot be selected in the import application https://take.ms/feuaZ
But we misunderstood that it should be requested with the parameter include_incompleted=true , so the instructions are also given: https://take.ms/YGDMi
Tell me, be kind, skilki will cost you more money to take such an engagement to boxing?

You can modify the checkbox setting to pass the include_incompleted=true parameter - this will take 1 hour

2. It is necessary to take away "customer's cats". Tse unfinished and left the prayer. API allows: https://docs.cs-cart.com/latest/developer_guide/api/entities/carts.html
Please, be kind, in what way can you take them to boxing?

It is better to make a separate import action into the necessary business process - it will take about 6 hours.

3. Є block "reviews about the product". In the description of the API, the essence of the discussion: https://docs.cs-cart.com/latest/developer_guide/api/entities/discussions.html
Tell me, be kind, how can you take these comments into boxing, how can you process or comment on the goods?

You can make a separate action once an hour/day, which will import reviews for today/yesterday - and already into processes or products - as you need. This action will take about 5 hours.
24.06.2021, 11:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
You can modify the checkbox setting to pass the include_incompleted=true parameter - this will take 1 hour

right, I'll have mercy.
for import filtering by status, which we can specify in customizations. and incompleted - not a great status, yoga cannot be vibrated in the finals. with a tick without, as we say, we will pick up the confirmation with the status of "open", then incompleted will not fit here.

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
You can make a separate action once an hour/day, which will import reviews for today/yesterday - and already into processes or products - as you need. This action will take about 5 hours.

to clarify, be kind, the goods and prices will be adjusted, like a great zamovlennі? chi tse will be just a transfer through whom to my field?
24.06.2021, 16:42
Original comment available on version: ru

right, I'll have mercy.

I appreciated the refinement of this parameter.
How combinations will work on the API side - I can't say for sure.

to clarify, be kind, the goods and prices will be adjusted, like a great zamovlennі? chi tse will be just a transfer through whom to my field?

this will be a separate action that will import reviews. No products, prices, etc. - just either search for a product and add a comment to it, or create a process with a comment text (and about which product it seems) - depending on which option you choose.
25.06.2021, 14:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Premium partner wrote:
I appreciated the refinement of this parameter.
How combinations will work on the API side - I can't say for sure.

can you do it even better, so that you can collect the rest of the application, regardless of the status, but with the parameter include_incompleted=true? and write the status in cs-cart in the addendum field. then they are guaranteed to get into the system.

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Premium partner wrote:
this will be a separate action that will import reviews.

thanks for the explanation.

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Premium partner wrote:
It is better to make a separate import action into the necessary business process - it will take about 6 hours.

stosovno іmportu koshikіv: іnformatsiіya about the goods will be in the description? What will be the promotion of boxing goods?
25.06.2021, 14:57
Original comment available on version: ru

can you do it even better, so that you can collect the rest of the application, regardless of the status, but with the parameter include_incompleted=true? and write the status in cs-cart in the addendum field. then they are guaranteed to get into the system.

why duplicate the action again, if you can make a setting in the same - and use it?

stosovno іmportu koshikіv: іnformatsiіya about the goods will be in the description? What will be the promotion of boxing goods?

yes, I planned to try to pull up the goods, as for regular orders
25.06.2021, 15:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Premium partner wrote:
why duplicate the action again, if you can make a setting in the same - and use it?

to the fact that we are taking away the engagement with some kind of status, then the unfinished cannot be pulled up. the stench comes out only as soon as everything is taken away.
25.06.2021, 16:01
Original comment available on version: ru

to the fact that we are taking away the engagement with some kind of status, then the unfinished cannot be pulled up. the stench comes out only as soon as everything is taken away.

But you can add 2 actions for 1 store, where for the first one indicate the desired status, and for the other - which are incomplete regardless of the status?
25.06.2021, 16:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Premium partner wrote:
But you can add 2 actions for 1 store, where for the first one indicate the desired status, and for the other - which are incomplete regardless of the status?

yeah, that would be cool.
25.06.2021, 17:13
Original comment available on version: ru

good morning! give, be kind, a rahunok for crm.stylesalon.com.ua on the first two points:
1. Importing the status of "incomplete" - 1 year
2. import "koshikiv" - 6 years
29.06.2021, 10:28
Original comment available on version: ru

1. added the setting "Receive orders in the status "in progress" (when the client chose to pay online, but there was no confirmation from the payment system)"
I checked the output of the API - with and without it it gives a different number of all processes - it means it works
2. improved action once per hour "Import carts from CS-Cart" - the settings are almost the same as importing orders
Imported either after 100 processes or for a specified number of days.
PS: I don't know the specifics of how carts work in CS-Cart, namely what will happen when I fill the cart once, and after a month the second time - will there be a cart with different creation dates in the results. Since the basket does not have a unique identifier, but only a binding by user_id - on the OneBox side, I checked the existence of a process by user_id and the date the basket was created - I think it will be right if there is a new basket and the date changes.
PS: once an hour it was done in order not to pick up baskets that are still being processed. Perhaps it would be more logical to do the action once a day - if you need more specific filtering conditions by date - specify
02.07.2021, 11:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Duzhe dyakuyu, testuєmo.
02.07.2021, 13:48
Original comment available on version: ru

Don't save on customization, like importing cats: https://take.ms/a5m0Z
get it right, be kind
02.07.2021, 14:15
Original comment available on version: ru

the koshiki were dragged on, but there was no information about the goods in them.
a hundred years of filtering koshikiv - it’s better to take away your skin year, like an infection and practice.
02.07.2021, 16:55
Original comment available on version: ru

the koshiki were dragged on, but there was no information about the goods in them.

Very strange, because they are requested with the product_type_c=1 parameter, it is written that it will return only non-empty baskets.
I checked - there is a problem with the issuance structure - it differs from the one stated in the documentation https://docs.cs-cart.com/latest/developer_guide/api/entities/carts.html
As an example - https://stylesalon.com.ua/api/carts/1083673434/ (enter authorization data from the integration) - there, at least, user data is displayed in the product, etc.
I think you should contact CS-Cart technical support for clarification..
02.07.2021, 17:21
Original comment available on version: ru

clarify, be kind, why do you need an explanation?
I made a request, and I took it off, I’ll follow the structure, the axis is a fragment about goods: https://take.ms/h8uOG
how critical is vіdminnіst vіdpovіdі?
02.07.2021, 18:20
Original comment available on version: ru

At that moment, when I wrote about the presence of an error - it was.
Do you have an example of a new cart?
05.07.2021, 16:16
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05.07.2021, 16:58
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already imports baskets, along with goods
apparently there was a temporary "surprise" from the API
05.07.2021, 17:29
Original comment available on version: ru

yeah, that's cool! dyakuyu.
06.07.2021, 10:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich OneBox production wrote:
PS: I don't know the specifics of how carts work in CS-Cart, namely what will happen when I fill the cart once, and after a month the second time - will there be a cart with different creation dates in the results. Since the basket does not have a unique identifier, but only a binding by user_id - on the OneBox side, I checked the existence of a process by user_id and the date the basket was created - I think it will be right if there is a new basket and the date changes.

here they clarified that the date of the cat can be changed for the registration of koristuvachiv, until it turns into a pledge.
say, be kind, if the box knows a cat with such a user_id, then update the creation process? chi just do not create a new process?
06.07.2021, 16:47
Original comment available on version: ru

say, be kind, if the box knows a cat with such a user_id, then update the creation process? chi just do not create a new process?

I originally wrote this

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
PS: I don't know the specifics of how carts work in CS-Cart, namely what will happen when I fill the cart once, and after a month the second time - will there be a cart with different creation dates in the results. Since the basket does not have a unique identifier, but only a binding by user_id - on the OneBox side, I checked the existence of a process by user_id and the date the basket was created - I think it will be right if there is a new basket and the date changes.

in fact, if the date changes, it means it will create a new process
06.07.2021, 17:05
Original comment available on version: ru

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