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How to betray the name in 2 languages?

There is a task:
- transfer description and title in Ukrainian and Russian to opencart
If you connect multilingual, it is not very convenient to switch and download product data.
That is, we want the product card to have 4 fields that could be filled in manually or uploaded via excel (import)
- RU name
- UA name
- Description EN
- UA Description
And so that this data is loaded into opencart. Found this setting.
But it says here that it only works for description

and we also need a name in 2 languages.
Perhaps there are some other options? Please tell me how can I implement this?
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. As far as I can see, you have already found a solution https://1b.app/ru/forum/online-stores/13677-ne-peredaet-ukrainskoe-znachenie-naz...
17.05.2022, 15:52
Original comment available on version: ru

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