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Refinement of the action to receive the balance in warehouses

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WB has this method
{"lastChangeDate":"2021-12-27T03:14:17.71", "supplierArticle":"STANDART1SK","techSize":"0", "barcode":"2000431150006","quantity":2550,"isSupply" :false, "isRealization":true,"quantityFull":4202,"quantityNotInOrders":2854, "warehouseName":"Koledino","inWayToClient":1562,"inWayFromClient":90, "nmId":13904867,"subject" :"Mops", "category":"Hardware", "daysOnSite":508,"brand":"Easy Clean","SCCode":"2100-2900", "Price":6000,"Discount":72 }
and how many warehouses there are - so many times 1 and the same product is repeated in the issue, you need to refine the action that would arrive at the warehouse for the goods that
Original question is available on version: ru


And if the product is not in stock, then it will not be in the output, or will it be 0?
Here is a question regarding the write-off of excess in our warehouse, if necessary
27.12.2021, 12:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
And if the product is not in stock, then it will not be in the output, or will it be 0?
Here is a question regarding the write-off of excess in our warehouse, if necessary

yes, just so that if something is written off, and the missing is credited, you need to do it once a day, that's enough
27.12.2021, 13:16
Original comment available on version: ru

You did not answer my question - when the goods are not in stock, will it return 0 or will there be no goods in the search results? I don't understand this moment.
If you cleanly update the balances according to what issued - it's 6 hours
29.12.2021, 11:19
Original comment available on version: ru

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