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Pull up fields with magento

With magento with an order, you need to pull up the fields:
- Comment (#comment) - pull up in the additional field
- Floor (#floor) - pull up to the corresponding field of the TTN of New mail or to an additional field with the ability to automatically fill in the corresponding field of the TTN of New mail
- Elevator (#elevator) - pull up in the corresponding field of TTN of New mail or in an additional field with the ability to automatically fill in the corresponding field of TTN of New mail
Order example https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/5118/edit/
I ask you to evaluate the necessary improvements.
Original question is available on version: ru


- Comment (#comment) - pull up in the additional field
- Floor (#floor) - pull in the corresponding field of the TTN of New mail or in an additional field with the ability to automatically fill in the corresponding field of the TTN of New mail
- Elevator (#elevator) - pull up to the corresponding field of the TTN of New Mail or to an additional field with the ability to automatically fill in the corresponding field of the TTN of New Mail

I don't see such fields in API orders.
Can you specify where to look for them?
27.09.2021, 17:20
Original comment available on version: ru

good day! retailer Magento vіdpovіv:
"In our case, the ID fields are not supported by the API. They are written to the static Shipping Address template in the details"
give, be kind, butt ask, so that you can grow up
27.10.2021, 12:36
Original comment available on version: ru

give, be kind, butt ask, so that you can grow up

here after receiving the token - there is request info / headers / parameters / response
27.10.2021, 16:36
Original comment available on version: ru

I watch the parameters in the attachment
[extension_attributes] => Array
[shipping_assignments] => Array
[shipping] => array
[address] => array
[extension_attributes] => Array
[building] => 264n
[floor] => 6
[apartments] => 94
[elevator] => 1
[shipping_comment] =>
There are several solutions:
1. add 2 settings with an indication of which path (for example, extension_attributes/shipping_assignments/0/shipping/address/extension_attributes/elevator) to take the value for recording in the TTN NP field from the description - it will take 2 hours
2. You can implement multi-configuration, according to which you can set several matching conditions "path in the issuance (for example, extension_attributes/shipping_assignments/0/shipping/address/extension_attributes/elevator) = write to an additional process field".
The implementation will take about 3 hours.
3. If it is necessary, in addition to additional fields in clause 2, to add several fields specified in the description TTN NP - this is +1 hour to clause 2
27.10.2021, 16:41
Original comment available on version: ru

kindly, queried by the client
27.10.2021, 17:12
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
1. add 2 settings with an indication of which path (for example, extension_attributes/shipping_assignments/0/shipping/address/extension_attributes/elevator) to take the value for recording in the TTN NP field from the description - it will take 2 hours

And with the help of this option, the Comment field can be pulled up, which needs to be written in the additional field? Or is this option only for the Floor and Elevator fields?
28.10.2021, 12:00
Original comment available on version: ru

Tkachenko Roman Anatolievich wrote:
And with the help of this option, the Comment field can be pulled up, which needs to be written in the additional field? Or is this option only for the Floor and Elevator fields?

3 settings - you can.
But already in the future it is better to implement paragraph 2 + 3
28.10.2021, 15:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Ok, points 2 and 3.
Need an account
01.11.2021, 11:38
Original comment available on version: ru

rahunok paid, run, be kind.
03.11.2021, 09:38
Original comment available on version: ru

1. added multi-setting "Import order fields to additional process fields"
there you specify the paths and select your fields "Rise to the floor" and "There is an elevator"
2. In addition to this, there are 2 settings "An additional field for recording the received value of the "Rise to the floor" field for manually creating a TTN of New Mail" and "An additional field for recording the received value of the "There is an elevator" field for manually creating a TTN of New Mail" - here you need to select additional fields in which to write values - after all, in manual creation, parameters are taken from additional fields
03.11.2021, 11:13
Original comment available on version: ru

More than two settings are not saved
When adding the 3rd, the 1st is replaced.
03.11.2021, 12:06
Original comment available on version: ru

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