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The status of the process does not change when changing [url_change_status: ...] in the callbackdata field

I am editing telegram notifications with the i button in the Callback Data field, specifying the change [url_change_status: ...] ,
When clicking on the button in Telegram, the notification icon appears https://prnt.sc/6PZgOP-x84IB, the status of the process in OneBox does not change, boxing on mvp: https://logogroup.crm-onebox.com/
Original question is available on version: ru


Try to re-get the buttons and go to the stage. If it doesn't work, give a link to the bot and tell me how to create a process through it so that I have the same buttons in order to test the operation of the action
24.10.2022, 16:03
Original comment available on version: ru

OneBox production wrote:
Try to re-get the buttons and go to the stage. If it doesn't work, give a link to the bot and tell me how to create a process through it so that I have the same buttons in order to test the operation of the action

Sending to the bot https://t.me/Logogroupofficial_bot
Let's transform into bp Messengers stage Telegram https://logogroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/grupa-zavdannya/?filtershowpr... =&filterclientid[0]=&filterdeletedid=&filterorderclientname=&st_workflowid[0]=42&st_statusid[0]=490&filterintervalfrom=&filterintervalto=&filterpaymentdatefrom=&filterpaymentdateto=&filterpayment=&filterpassedstatuses=1&statusid[0]=490&filtersumfix=&filtertags=&filterorderemployerid=&filtersumfrom=&filtersumto=&filterproductserial=&filterpriority =&filtercomments=&filterregion=&filternumber=&filterproductname=&filtername=&filtercity=&filterclientmanagerid=&filtercountry=&filterproductid=&filterid=&filtercode1c=&filternovaposhtastatus=&filterdelivery=&filtercustomNazva=&filtermanagersid=&filterstreet=&filter&filterutmut=term&filterauthorid=&filterauthorid=&filterauthorid referrer=&filterutmmedium=&filterutmdatefrom=&filterutmdateto=&filterutmcontent=&filterutmcampaign=&ok=1&searchLine=
24.10.2022, 19:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Nutrition is up to date. Can you tell me how to swear?
02.11.2022, 14:32
Original comment available on version: ru

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