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Add interface block for UkrPoshta

Add interface block for UkrPoshta
Yur, you need to add the same block as the NP for UkrPoshta
Here is an example on a new mail
BP https://crm.goodsshop.in.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi/3764/edit/
So in progress: http://prntscr.com/o7mpf9
So in the interface settings: http://prntscr.com/o7mpsv
Original question is available on version: ru


if there are questions, I'm waiting)
11.07.2019, 14:32
Original comment available on version: ru

you also need a way to display the quantity and create bonus mandrels UE and print the register KP f108 (if I'm not mistaken)
10.06.2020, 10:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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