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Does not display status by Ukr Poshta

Added a block in the interface "Ukrposhta information about TTN", but it is not displayed in the process No. 204660.
And the logs when pulling up gives the following error:
[response] => array
[code] => 404
[response] => {"message":"Shipment not found"}
Please correct or tell me what is wrong.
Original question is available on version: ru


To have a block, you need to select the delivery method in the process, in which there is automation "Ukrposhta"
13.05.2021, 16:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Here in the delivery method automation is indicated
Here are specified in the process
Do not output the block anyway.
13.05.2021, 17:24
Original comment available on version: ru

hello, make sure that there is a Ukrposhta shipment (waybill) for this order
14.05.2021, 11:56
Original comment available on version: ru

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