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Here https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-delivery-services/8227-integratsiya-s-sluzhboy-dostavki-dhl/
there was information about plans to develop the DHL app
Please tell me when it will be freely available and under what conditions?
Will there be instructions on how to set up this app?
Integration with DHL 24 is currently available https://1b.app/ua/app/dhl/ Almost every country in Europe has its own DHL API, but they are very similar, so for example, the Baltics themselves can probably be connected easily by replacing the API URL, but this needs to be checked.
Integration with DHL 24 is currently available https://1b.app/ua/app/dhl/
Almost every country in Europe has its own DHL API, but they are very similar, so for example, the Baltics themselves can probably be connected easily by replacing the API URL, but this needs to be checked.
Add a link to instructions on how to set up the app.
I don't have it. It needs to be done, maybe later, or you can speed it up through TP
Add a link to instructions on how to set up the app.
I don't have it.
It needs to be done, maybe later, or you can speed it up through TP
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