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Finalization_Editing TTN New mail_AGAIN

Good afternoon
You can evaluate the following by new mail:
The ability to edit the TTN after its creation, namely the fields
Process client
Recipient of the process (name and phone number)
i.e. I created a TTN, then the client asked me to change the recipient and I want to edit this in the SRM order
you need an editing action at the BP stage and procedure
Response from NP https://prnt.sc/aceIvGdAnMet regarding required fields
crm https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. The action will take about 5 hours. Bill?
12.07.2024, 11:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Yes, can you send me a link to pay?
12.07.2024, 12:40
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon. The action will last about 5 hours. Issue an invoice?

We are waiting for the finishing touches
Thank you!
15.07.2024, 10:30
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon. The name of the action is “Edit TTN”.
Due to the inconvenient API architecture, when editing a TTN, in order to edit the recipient's phone number, you need to send the remaining 20 fields for the same TTN. All these fields were taken from the documentation; at first glance, nothing was lost in my TTN except the recipient and his number, but it’s possible for a TTN with some additional ones. they may lose services. I kindly ask you to test all your possible TTNs with different payments, post-payments, cash on delivery, payment controls and so on, so that some post-payments or a rise to the floor or something else don’t suddenly disappear, because such things are not sent to the editing TTN, since they There is no description of the TTN editing method on the page. If, after editing the TTN, you scratch some field and send the wrong TTN, we do not bear any responsibility for this.
I also ask you to pay attention to the fact that once the TTN is printed, it cannot be changed. Those. You need to see what has changed in the TTN through the personal account, without printing it either before or after, since changes cannot be made after. When editing a printed TTN, the NP gives an error; this is not our condition.
16.07.2024, 16:04
Original comment available on version: ru

The box that needs improvement has not been written, the improvement should appear on everyone tomorrow morning. If it happens tomorrow, drop the link to the box that will need to be updated.
16.07.2024, 16:05
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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18.07.2024, 14:25
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Good afternoon. The error says what the problem is.

let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
When editing a printed TTN, the NP gives an error; this is not our condition.

The NP does not allow you to edit the TTN that you have already printed.
18.07.2024, 15:06
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
The NP does not allow you to edit the TTN that you have already printed.

Good afternoon Those. this is a condition of N.P. ?
if I pressed the “print” button at least once, N.P. will block any editing of TTN?
19.07.2024, 14:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, that's right. The NP does not allow you to edit a TTN that has already been printed.
19.07.2024, 15:08
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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I spoke with the NP support.
Yes, indeed, once the invoice is printed, it can no longer be edited.
but as soon as the invoice is given for transportation, they allow changes to be made to the invoice https://monosnap.com/file/ELTlNkuEK69IwhAlV1b2u9TyTiylsv
Here I have an example of a process where I want to change the recipient
https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/28539/ I click on "Edit TT", I get an error https://monosnap.com/file/qUvXlvAN07Gk1dUGYg7uGBD5sfGNyO
Thanks in advance!
24.07.2024, 07:53
Original comment available on version: ru

Are you sure that in your order you selected the same personal account from which the consignment note was created?
24.07.2024, 09:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Morozov Sergey Sergeevich
Sergey Morozov wrote:

it is very unlikely that this will affect the recipient's number and the recipient himself
24.07.2024, 09:53
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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I asked them a question: https://monosnap.com/file/3VHPpD2RNWYgsf95sZxXdeWxBfxTdv
received this answer https://monosnap.com/file/D3QCRZF5wgKed6GNETpvPCuchhrCC0
those. the recipient can be edited
24.07.2024, 11:02
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Good afternoon
Tell me what is the answer to this question?
We need to be able to edit the consignment note at the stage when the invoice has been transferred for delivery.
NP support confirmed that editing is possible at this stage
26.07.2024, 10:45
Original comment available on version: ru

Commentary is available in ru and not yet translated to the current language.
30.07.2024, 12:10

Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Good afternoon
Example of the process
The consignment note now indicates a different recipient
it needs to be changed to the one specified in the order in the "Recipient" block
click on the procedure "Edit TTN"
30.07.2024, 12:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Please check with the NP support https://developers.novaposhta.ua/view/model/a90d323c-8512-11ec-8ced-005056b2dbe1... how you can use this method to get information about a specific TTN. At the moment, they give the last 100-500 and the one we need is in this list, but there is no filtering by the TTN number. That is, I simply cannot request detailed information on it knowing the TTN number, which is very strange. Filtering by date, I think, is very strange for everyone, there are systems where more than 500 TTNs are created per day
30.07.2024, 15:28
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
Please clarify in NP support https://developers.novaposhta.ua/view/model/a90d323c-8512-11ec-8ced-005056b2dbe1... At the moment, they give 100-500 of the latest and this list contains what we need, but there is no filtering by TTN number. That is, I simply cannot request detailed information knowing the TTN number, which is very strange. Filtering by date, I think everyone understands, is very strange, there are systems where more than 500 TTNoks are created per day

Good afternoon!
TP Nova Poshta asked for an example of a complete request in JSON or XML format
can you send
31.07.2024, 15:11
Original comment available on version: ua

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><file><apiKey>xxxx</apiKey><modelName>InternetDocument</modelName><calledMethod>getDocumentList</calledMethod></file>
01.08.2024, 11:16

look at the forum in en language so that the automatic translation does not translate
01.08.2024, 11:16
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Good afternoon!
Answer from NP:
We recommend using all query parameters specified in the documentation in the method
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<apiKey>[YOUR KEY]</apiKey>
in response, a list of required ENs will be provided, including the ENs provided for the example
When checking, the error was not reproduced.
01.08.2024, 13:23
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Morozov Sergey Sergeevich
Sergey Morozov wrote:
in response, a list of required EN will be provided, including the EN provided as an example

I repeat, this request returns a maximum of 500 consignment notes. Let's say I need a consignment note that was created 4 days ago, and after that another THOUSAND. I need a method that will return information on it for a SPECIFIC consignment note number.
02.08.2024, 10:34
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Received a response from them:
"According to this method, there is no possibility to specifically indicate the EN in the request, about which information needs to be obtained.
The method in the response displays all the EN numbers that were created in the data in the personal account and their identifiers (Ref) in the АРИ.
In the request, in the properties of the method, you can specify the date for which you need to get data on the EN in the "DateTime" parameter
If you do not specify a date, the system will automatically provide you with information on all the ENTs of the actual day. In the request, in the properties of the method, you can also specify the range of dates for which data should be obtained according to "DateTimeFrom" and "DateTimeTo".
Additionally, the ability to download a page list using the "GetFullList" parameter has been implemented. If 0, page loading works, if 1 - the entire list (but no more than 500 documents).
Thank you for your request!
Sincerely, the technical support team of Nova Poshta"
02.08.2024, 13:24
Original comment available on version: ua

Suggest that they introduce such filtering, it will make life much easier. I think it is obvious to both you and me that knowing the TTN number it is very stupid to scroll through hundreds of pages in search of information about the necessary one.
02.08.2024, 13:40
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
Suggest that they introduce such filtering, it will make life much easier. I think it is obvious to both you and me that knowing the TTN number it is very stupid to scroll through hundreds of pages in search of information about the necessary one.

But I certainly doubt that they will do this anytime soon.
Can you customize the action given the current information retrieval capabilities?
02.08.2024, 14:47
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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received a response from them:
"It is possible to use the method "getStatusDocuments" - possibilities of the method Receiving data by phone number: When entering a phone number, you can get information about the sender and the recipient, including their contact details.
In order not to scroll through hundreds of pages of the response of the getDocumentList method, we recommend using query parameters
"DateTimeFrom" : "dd.mm.yyyy",
"DateTimeTo" : "dd.mm.yyyy",
"Page" : "1",
"GetFullList" : "1",
"DateTime" : "dd.mm.yyyy" and also in the answer use the search on the page ctrl + F of the desired EN"
02.08.2024, 15:15
Original comment available on version: ua

We need not just the sender and recipient, but all the information about the TTN. There are about 20 fields that need to be sent back to edit the TTN, just to change the recipient's full name. An absurd situation, of course. There is a TTN number, but there is no way to get information by number.
Okay, we will remember the date of the TTN creation through crutches and send a filter by this date in the hope of finding our TTN. I need a couple of days to implement it - I will write when it is ready.
05.08.2024, 10:11
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
We need not just the sender and recipient, but all the information about the TTN. There are about 20 fields that need to be sent back to edit the TTN, just to change the recipient's full name. An absurd situation, of course. There is a TTN number, but there is no way to get information by number.
Okay, we will remember the date of the TTN creation through crutches and send a filter by this date in the hope of finding our TTN. I need a couple of days to implement it - I will write when it is ready.

Good afternoon
Tell me, did you manage to finalize the action?
23.08.2024, 10:43
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Good afternoon
Can you tell me when you can finalize the action?
Thank you!
29.08.2024, 10:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
We need not just the sender and recipient, but all the information about the TTN. There are about 20 fields that need to be sent back to edit the TTN, just to change the recipient's full name. An absurd situation, of course. There is a TTN number, but there is no way to get information by number.
Okay, we will remember the date of the TTN creation through crutches and send a filter by this date in the hope of finding our TTN. I need a couple of days to implement it - I will write when it is ready.

Good afternoon
Tell me, when will there be information regarding the revision?
Thank you
02.09.2024, понедельник, 15:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day. Try to delete some old TTN
02.09.2024, понедельник, 15:47
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
Good day. Try to delete some old TTN

Good afternoon
I don't quite understand why it is necessary to remove the TTN?
After all, I need to change the recipient information in it.
03.09.2024, вторник, 15:22
Original comment available on version: ru

I made a typo, change the data in some old consignment note
04.09.2024, среда, 12:08
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Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Good afternoon
click on the procedure "Edit TTN"
an error pops up "Unable to obtain information on the consignment note"
06.09.2024, пятница, 07:59
Original comment available on version: ru

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