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Goiter with a post-employee

Please help me to sort out the goiters with the post-employees and let me know that you are my accountant.
for the butt, we have a process for which there is only one posting item https://crm.toster.if.ua/18621/?delete=2746
I can't figure out why "Customer's goiter (balance): 0" ?
I can't prove why my goiter is a plus?
for vzaemorozrahunkiv vikoristovuyutsya such procedures:
in order not to spend a penny when paying in currencies by stopping the posting update https://crm.toster.if.ua/app/workflow/9/procedure/57/?status=2
And since we have already hooked up the topic of mutual frosts, then help me figure out such numbers and let me be kind, if you really got lost and krish їde:
1) Chomі digits v_dznyayutsya
2) Here sumi converge and here
3) There is a mutual frost I don’t think about how to zastosovuvat and judgin
Original question is available on version: ru


marvelously published food for that additional reason to understand!!!
1) Chomі numbers are changed https://crm.toster.if.ua/admin/shop/users/421/
2) Here sumi converge
https://crm.toster.if.ua/app/report/clientbalance/?datefrom=&dateto=&con... %5D=48&statusid%5B%5D=50&statusid%5B%5D=51&statusid%5B%5D=105&statusid%5B%5D=107&statusid%5B%5D=108&statusid%5B%5D=179&statusid%5B%5D=204&showpaymentwithoutorder=1&balanceinversion=1&ok =%D0%A4%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8
3) Here, in mutual frost, I don’t understand how to stop and judging by the name of the information for me
https://crm.toster.if.ua/app/billing/?operationdatefrom=&operationdateto=&am... =&filtercity=&filterstreet=&filterlogin=&filtertags=&filtercomment=&filterdistribution=&filtercontractorid=&filtermanagerid=&filtercreatorid=&notordertype=&filtersourceid=&filterdiscountid=&filterlevel=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=&ok=%D0%A4%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%8C% D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8.
4) the clerk has other numbers
https://crm.toster.if.ua/app/payments/?contractorid=&filterdatefrom=&fil... D0%A4%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8
05.08.2021, 09:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
Vasil hello.
in order to improve nutritional knitting, it is not necessary to be an accountant, but an integrator with knowledge of the principles of management.
1. so that all the knitting was done correctly - it is not necessary to carry out procedures, but to adjust the sales process and the purchaser yourself. The basic principle is that knitting is restored at the time of the actual sale and is reset to zero as well as 100% payment. In another turn, we put the fence to close the process.
2. How to sort out those things, like this: show all the processes of the client, in the list you can see our knitting and yogo knitting (not the balance of knitting). And there, de not by 0 - virіvnyuєsh procedures, so it became by 0 chi so, yak є for now, who is to blame.
everything - in the client's card is shown automatically.
And so - in the case of currencies, it can be more folded, but it also changes.
in your specific ways I can’t revise, because I don’t have access. According to the correct one, there is a need for a robot integrator, SAM equal, 5-10 years old.
05.08.2021, 10:01
Original comment available on version: ru

in your specific ways I can’t revise, because I don’t have access. According to the correct one, there is a need for a robot integrator, SAM equal, 5-10 years old.
Dyakuyu Igo. It is necessary to look at the technical data and explain why for one client I will show different numbers. because:
- I balance virivnyav on this postal worker;
- having smoked the stars on the spot, they spent a lot of money when paying (it turns out that I can process in the currency and pay in the currency, then I can add the posting rate) 100 bucks really gon .. well, I found a way to do it automatically, so there is no documentation, then I solved the problem of "Update the purchase price of the warehouse operation according to the course of the process" and "Update the price of the credited product for the current price of the product to the process."
And all the same figures for one and the same client are everywhere different and all over the place, post-currency re-adjustment to the main one and it’s worth moving everywhere. For accountants, it is necessary to use mathematics to enter an okremiya zvіt "accounting is ruined for someone to show the result of de-currency to be re-adjusted to the main currency"
I bought the axis of the butt from Yakomu from the client for the same amount - I paid exactly that amount. And it shows that the outgoing payments are not the same ..
- to some numbers of virity and yak z tsim pratsyuvati. how to convey information to retailers that you don’t get so excited.
05.08.2021, 11:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
all you need to ask is the need to split the okremo.
for example, in terms of currencies - we have done the right process, so that in the middle of our knitting and the client's knitting were on zeros, including warehouse operations. dalі on tsikh etapah obvyazkovo maє buti dіya "Fix the exchange rates in the process". Then tomorrow the exchange rate is remembered in the system, and in the process it will be lost by 0.
* And the specialist will not help you, because all that you have described is not bugs, but a way to improve.
05.08.2021, 12:12
Original comment available on version: ru

Susyak Igor
integrator wrote:
all you need to ask is the need to split the okremo.
for example, in terms of currencies - we have done the right process, so that in the middle of our knitting and the client's knitting were on zeros, including warehouse operations. dalі on tsikh etapah obvyazkovo maє buti dіya "Fix the exchange rates in the process". Then tomorrow the exchange rate is remembered in the system, and in the process it will be lost by 0.
* And the specialist will not help you, because all that you have described is not bugs, but a way to improve.

Igor, please comment on this information. Why are the numbers different? I paid exactly the same amount as the sum of the processes.
05.08.2021, 17:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
comment i є vgorі:
1. all knitting in the client's processes can be set to 0
2. at the stage of due diligence, you can buti diya "Fix the exchange rates in the process" before moving on to the stage (and now you will click through the procedure)
crushed like that?
06.08.2021, 10:53
Original comment available on version: ru

Susyak Igor
integrator wrote:
comment i є vgorі:
1. all knitting in the client's processes can be set to 0
2. at the stage of due diligence, you can buti diya "Fix the exchange rates in the process" before moving on to the stage (and now you will click through the procedure)
crushed like that?

So! dyakuyu. virіvnyav on one z postachalnikіv. Having clarified for himself, he still hasn’t realized until now that “the rate of the process is to blame = the rate of payment” and “the price of posting = the price of the currency of the process”. confused and badly there are no clear instructions with help to foreign exchange processes, otherwise I could not know the documentation ((
07.08.2021, 14:00
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
clear instructions cannot be but it can be done in a different way.
"rate process due = payment rate" process rate - block interface "Currency rate process"
"price of posting = price and currency of the process" first - the whole warehouse operation, the Warehouse tab, the other - the table of products in the process
09.08.2021, 11:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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