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Re-accounting of finances at the box office and logging. Display date

From time to time I encounter such a problem that the amounts do not converge at the Cashier. (Record + Actuals). Is it possible to add the following revision.
1. The opportunity for the manager to note at the end of the working day that the cash desk has converged.
2. Logging records. Example:
01/01/2019 - Wallet 1 - ok
01/02/2019 - Wallet 1 - ok
01/03/2019 - Wallet 1 - ok
01/04/2019 - Wallet 1 - ok
This will save time and understand in case of incorrect recording on which day the jamb was allowed. Since this task takes a lot of time.
Original question is available on version: ru


accepted - will be in the next releases (we cannot specify the exact date unfortunately
20.01.2021, 11:37
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

Petrechko Vasyl
Personal license

Chizhik Alexander Sergeevich
Administrator wrote:
cal indicators). Is it possible to add the following revision.
1. The opportunity for the manager to note at the end of the working day that the cash desk has converged.

Hello. Is it possible to implement this now in the form of a paid revision?
26.02.2021, 03:42
Original comment available on version: ru

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