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Import payments via CSV

http://crm.loader.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ - payment loading is configured https://prnt.sc/vh1sir
The payment is linked to the client through the value of the EDRPOU code field in the download file - https://prnt.sc/vh1stf
You need the ability to create a new contact in the system if one was not found and attach payments to it, while immediately writing it to the "external id of the payment client" and additional fields. contact field "additional code field" value from the file (EDRPOU column - https://prnt.sc/vh1u73) to avoid duplicate payments and inconsistencies with duplicate contacts.
What is the best way to do this?
Is it possible to refine the setting like this in action - https://prnt.sc/vh1uti to check the value of the EDRPOU field from the file with the value in the card.
Original question is available on version: ru


https://prnt.sc/vh8kvb try this combination of settings
11.11.2020, 10:02
Original comment available on version: ru

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