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What is the costing method?
The business spends funds in various areas of expenditure: fuel costs, storage costs, rent, purchase of consumables and stationery for the office and warehouse work, payment for various services, advertising on Google and other sites, etc.
Please advise, what is the logic of organizing the accounting of these expenses in the OneBox environment?
Original question is available on version: ru


in box there are two directions of BP - incoming and outgoing, you can make expenses through outgoing processes and outgoing payments, i.e. when you pay, not you - https://prnt.sc/uiqd5q , https://prnt.sc/uiqdvi
17.09.2020, 10:10
Original comment available on version: ru

"Expenditure Lines" in boxing is a category. You create as many categories as you want. Plus, finances are divided into actual ones - what has come to you or gone from you; and expected income or expenditure. Plus there are funds.
18.09.2020, 12:07
Original comment available on version: ru

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