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Esputnik order transfer

There is a method https://esputnik.com/support/rabota-s-zakazami
It is necessary to transfer orders to esputnik at a certain stage by an action
Also, at certain stages, you need to transfer order statuses (they have a list of their statuses)
As a result, 2 steps are needed:
1. Order transfer
2. Status transfer (with a choice of statuses)
You need to order:
First Name
Application No.
Delivery address (city and branch)
Delivery method
Payment method
Commodities, yakі buli zamovlennya: image, cіna, message for goods, kіlkіs, product description
Delivery rate
Variety of orders without delivery
Zagalna vartyst zamovlennya
The name of the business process (or the identifier of the business process)
Need an evaluation
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13h for everything
15.03.2021, 17:24
Original comment available on version: ru

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