There are several options for developing integration:
1. - the chat has a webhook - that is, we can add integration indicating token, upon connection of which a request for a webhook will be sent.
But you need to clarify what type of events you are interested in (possibly from the technical support of this chat) - in order to know which events to subscribe to.
And then in the integration settings, immediately configure in which BP to create a task (following the example of integration with Tilda) in the handler of this webhook.
This option will take about 8 hours of refinement.
2. Do integration + automatic minute action that will knock once every N minutes on the API for receiving a list of messages 1message~1getList/post and pick up new messages and create a process based on them + add new comments to an existing non-closed one.
This option will also take about 8 hours of refinement.
3. Make a new type of event from this chat + finalize conclusions in events
Further, when connecting the integration, subscribe to the webhook for receiving messages, etc. - and make these webhook handlers into events
Next, do an automatic minute action "Turn a Talk-Me message into a process" by analogy with other similar actions that will create a process or add a comment to an existing one.
This option will take about 16 hours of refinement.