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diya Send data to the process in XLS format via FTP

Є procedure https://crm.susiak.com/admin/shop/workflow/28/procedure/187/?status=0#
Send data to process in XLS format via FTP https://prnt.sc/w8jrp6
Not working Add value https://prnt.sc/w8js1l
to file_dobrazhaє the article of the rest of the goods https://prnt.sc/w8k875
is necessary for clients, so after the correction of the prohannya put in automatic update to all boxes, such.
It is necessary that all the articles were added to the export file, so that in the words it was possible to add a value, for example, the quantity, etc.
Original question is available on version: ru


integrator wrote:
It is necessary that all the articles were added to the export file, so that in the words it was possible to add a value, for example, the quantity, etc.


integrator wrote:
is necessary for clients, so after the correction of the prohannya put in automatic update to all boxes, such.

auto-update happens at night
28.12.2020, 10:30
Original comment available on version: ru

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