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Tilda integration catches other people's orders!

Good afternoon. For several months now, we have been unable to get rid of other people's garbage in processes: through Webhook, our Tilda integration catches other people's test orders. And for some reason, most often test. There were a couple of living people, but they did not hear anything about our store when they called. Now these are processes 2135, 2136, 2138. Yesterday, 20 more pieces were deleted ... We kindly ask you to figure out where they come from!
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. They are sent to you at /tilda/push/ . The format is exactly the same as that of Tilda, from which we can conclude that it is they who push orders to you. If this is not done from the Tilda service, then you need to make a restriction in the form of a token, only knowing which it will be possible to create an order through this service. It will take about an hour, the token will need to be registered in the box and in the lx tilde in the form of the prefix ?token=XXX to the address /tilda/push/ (is it also set in the lx tilde?)
28.10.2020, 11:21
Original comment available on version: ru

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