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A universal way to solve problems with bilingual sites and API information transfers in two languages

Periodically, questions arise on the forum about setting up the Russian version of anything.
In pursuit of traffic, site owners create a Russian version, but by doing so they destroy the Ukrainian segment of the Internet.
At the same time, they create a lot of problems for THEMSELVES. I wonder if anyone has calculated whether the benefit from additional traffic to the site in Russian exceeds the costs associated with all these settings?
Completely abandoning Russian will save a huge amount of time and money, which can be spent on something really useful (at least on promoting or setting up the site in Ukrainian).
Original question is available on version: ua


Don't even start with language issues here - over time everything will be universal.
The company is working on this issue.
30.08.2024, 12:16
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ua

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