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Privat 24 for legal entities persons

Is it possible to set up integration with Privat 24 for legal entities? + it is necessary that the account statement was automatically formed and payments were automatically posted to the processes.
What solution can be proposed in this case?
Original question is available on version: ru


yes it is possible
private integration for legal entities is implemented through the Autoclient, here is the action you need - https://prnt.sc/u9jdlh
01.09.2020, 13:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Can you check the options for this feature?
according to the idea for binding, you need to find a client and a business process
"Search for a client by field:" - what is the field? in a business process? where does customer data come from? from payment?
from what part?
"Search external process ID by pattern (eg #ordercode1c):" - what is pattern? where does the data come from? and what are you looking for?
i.e. if you sort out the external ID from all business processes and look for it in the incoming payment?
or is it a template to select an ID from the process and then iterate over all processes ....
from what part to allocate ID?
15.09.2020, 18:49
Original comment available on version: ru

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