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Service cost


Good afternoon. The application costs $30 per month if you are a client of the integrators https://1b.app/ru/partner/onebox-corp/ and $45 per month if you are not a client of these integrators.
09.07.2024, 16:29
Original comment available on version: ru

When you click on Install in the application, you can see your price per month.
09.07.2024, 16:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Got it, tell me, is it possible to somehow work with this application in certain months? For example, we need it from December to May, but not in other months. Is payment made once a month or year or something else?
10.07.2024, 11:36
Original comment available on version: ru

You buy the application when you need it and use it for a month. At the end of the period, the application will automatically turn off in your box and will not work until you return. month, do not extend it manually through the website.
10.07.2024, 12:34
Original comment available on version: ru

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