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CRM for warehouse and logistics

Interested in CRM for an organization engaged in warehousing with subsequent logistics (delivery)
1. customer base storage
2. mailings
3 business process designer
Original question is available on version: ru «Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників»


Сусяк Ігор
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this is a classic task:
1. storage of the customer base - import + customization of customer cards 2-3 years
2. mailings - like SMS, then 1 year for registration of Alpha name + 1 year for integration with Turbosms. Like messengers - for 1-2 years on Viber.Telegram (without a bot), distribution only to customers, so the first ones wrote to us
3. business process designer - designer є. If you need to go about feeding the process of posting to the warehouse, then it takes 4 years for the basic functionality in one currency. Logistics is about a style for a simple process, for example, preparation-carried-delivered-closed with necessary fields and assistance.
Yakshcho є TK, you can evaluate the report.
06.09.2022, 11:44
Original comment available on version: ru

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