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Bug with duplicating steps in the process, how to call for duplicating goods and payments

Main output data:
1) Є 2 BP moving (https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/workflow/284/constructor/ https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/workflow/335/constructor/) rem_shcheno (de the order is registered on the rem_shchennya, before that, the order of the transfer is to be processed to the next warehouse vikonuє posting the goods to the warehouse (I am adding one of the previously placed butt https://ekomora.ua/admin/customorder/order/44623/edit/ )
2) BP sale (https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/workflow/276/constructor/) at the stage of https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/4622/action/new/ application https://ekomora.ua/admin/customorder/zamovlennya-kliientiv/51600/edit/
3) BP pributkuvannya їх dekіlka, one of them https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/workflow/370/constructor/ Butt: https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/products/1597754/edit/
The system duplicates itself at the stages of de є warehouse dії.
1) we go into the BP itself (not through the communication center).
2) the program hangs up (dії
Original question is available on version: ru macik9157@gmail.com


Good afternoon
watch tomorrow
I made changes to the logic of recalculations
17.02.2021, 16:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
ok super monіtoryu ale yak buti s already zadublyuvannymi goods pointwise correct 80k product trohi anrіal
17.02.2021, 17:06
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
ok super monіtoryu ale yak buti s already zadublyuvannymi goods pointwise correct 80k product trohi anrіal

duplicates on what basis?
17.02.2021, 17:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
At BP Buli, duplication of steps is carried out on the processes, so there is no warehouse operation, posting after these duplications, the goods were doubled and the winding was built
17.02.2021, 17:21
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
At BP Buli, duplication of steps is carried out on the processes, so there is no warehouse operation, posting after these duplications, the goods were doubled and the winding was built

I won’t remove the duplicates of the stages, but I can remove the duplicates of the goods if you indicate on what basis to remove and where
17.02.2021, 17:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Igor without food duplicate steps in the beginning can not be corrected in old processes I hope there will be no new ones like this and the axis with goods can be described in more detail how to describe the nebula nuances
so pіdіyde: Є BP Relocation (here the fate of the goods only arrived at the warehouse) in them there were duplicate steps in such processes, the goods were taken / built to be in the warehouse to the price of one and after that two.
Є bp posting ale, when duplicating stages, zam_st kіlkost 1, two were credited
Correctly ?
17.02.2021, 17:54
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
Igor without food duplicate steps in the beginning can not be corrected in old processes I hope there will be no new ones like this and the axis with goods can be described in more detail how to describe the nebula nuances
so pіdіyde: Є BP Relocation (here the fate of the goods only arrived at the warehouse) in them there were duplicate steps in such processes, the goods were taken / built to be in the warehouse to the price of one and after that two.
Є bp posting ale, when duplicating stages, zam_st kіlkost 1, two were credited
Correctly ?

there you need to watch each take individually, I won’t fix it with a script
17.02.2021, 18:01
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
And such a variant for the product yakі passed pevnі BP on them bula warehouse operation opributkuvannya admissible in kіlkostі 10 ale on warehouse rahuєtsya 12
17.02.2021, 18:09
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
More precisely, I look like this
Credited 10 sold/written off 5 ale in stock 6 restocked 1 item needed to be calculated and written off
17.02.2021, 18:14
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
17.02.2021, 18:23
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Let's first make sure that the problem is gone and then we will think about how to solve the consequences
18.02.2021, 15:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Ok monitor
18.02.2021, 17:56
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
19.02.2021, 17:46
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
There are duplicates of the BP moving the goods in the warehouse
19.02.2021, 17:47
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
the axis of the duplication of the system https://ekomora.ua/auction/26/ the auction is dubbed here https://prnt.sc/101zekb one and the same product cannot take part in one offline auction
20.02.2021, 17:35
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

take date 16th
and I wrote to you on the 17th that there were edits
20.02.2021, 23:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Sori disrespectful
21.02.2021, 09:04
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

01.03.2021, 13:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Igor at once there were no duplicates in the system.
01.03.2021, 13:32
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
Igor at once there were no duplicates in the system.

ok i'll check it out for a few more days
01.03.2021, 15:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Good day, Igor, don’t blame the system of duplicates at once. Can we wipe the goods with a bug?
12.03.2021, 16:44
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
Good day, Igor, don’t blame the system of duplicates at once. Can we wipe the goods with a bug?

what is the logic behind removing them?
Ps I’ll say right away that I won’t fix the warehouses retrospectively, it’s easier to clear the operations on them and you will re-set the current balance
12.03.2021, 16:46
Original comment available on version: ru

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