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How to switch to a stage depending on the time of day?

Good afternoon, what actions can be taken so that, depending on the current date, there is a transition to another stage, for example, from 21:00 to 08:00, there is a transition to one stage, and from 08:00 to 21:00 to another?
Original question is available on version: ru


Сусяк Ігор
dіya "Change the stage of processes at the appointment hour" pіdіyde? https://prnt.sc/y9kyjt
04.02.2021, 14:01
Original comment available on version: ru

We have an Open Stage which must be transferred to the Closed Stage at 21-00 and if not successfully repeated every minute.
and then at 9-00 you need to transfer the Closed stage to the Open stage and if unsuccessful, then repeat every minute.
moreover, there has not yet been a successful attempt to Close, even if at 9-00 you still need to try to close, and only then
try to open.
It seems to me that in the logic in which these actions are performed, they should be set to 2.
one to close, the other to open
and how they will behave if it is 9-00 and it was not clear that a successful attempt to close it ..
the action will work at 9-00 will not find processes and will search once a minute or will it rest until tomorrow?
And how much will load the system.
04.02.2021, 19:09
Original comment available on version: ru

In my opinion it is better to put such an action at the stage of the process.
there are options?
04.02.2021, 19:12
Original comment available on version: ru

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