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Missing business process while editing.

Hello, last night when editing the business process of working with a lead, this is the most business process. At first I thought I deleted it by accident.
But today the situation has repeated itself.
Help to recover and understand.
Original question is available on version: ru


Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:
Hello, last night when editing the business process of working with a lead, this is the most business process. At first I thought I deleted it by accident.
But today the situation has repeated itself.
Help to recover and understand.

More precisely, the display in the business process editing menu has disappeared.
and this is already a crutch
30.10.2020, 11:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:
Hello, last night when editing the business process of working with a lead, this is the most business process. At first I thought I deleted it by accident.
But today the situation has repeated itself.
Help to recover and understand.

More precisely, the display in the business process editing menu has disappeared.
and this is already a crutch

depending on what you edited, if you changed the type or name or the like, then go to the menu and display it again, since the menu is built depending on the type of business process
30.10.2020, 12:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Ustimenko Igor OneBox CTO wrote:

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:
Hello, last night when editing the business process of working with a lead, this is the most business process. At first I thought I deleted it by accident.
But today the situation has repeated itself.
Help to recover and understand.

More precisely, the display in the business process editing menu has disappeared.
and this is already a crutch

depending on what you edited, if you changed the type or name or the like, then go to the menu and display it again, since the menu is built depending on the type of business process

Missing from the Business Process Group (Lead Group) in the menu was displayed temporarily.
30.10.2020, 13:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:

Ustimenko Igor OneBox CTO wrote:

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:
Hello, last night when editing the business process of working with a lead, this is the most business process. At first I thought I deleted it by accident.
But today the situation has repeated itself.
Help to recover and understand.

More precisely, the display in the business process editing menu has disappeared.
and this is already a crutch

depending on what you edited, if you changed the type or name or the like, then go to the menu and display it again, since the menu is built depending on the type of business process

Missing from the Business Process Group (Lead Group) in the menu was displayed temporarily.

check it in the menu settings, it's there
30.10.2020, 15:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Igor Ustimenko OneBox CTO wrote:

Here is what is currently displayed here https://box.beautyfactory.in.ua/admin/shop/workflow/
This is what I created today, so to speak, "pay"
Let's do it again.
Yesterday, he wore changes in the "work with the lead" process, he disappeared. I thought that I deleted it because a lot of tabs and windows were open.
Created a new one the same evening. Today in the office I was finalizing it in a separate window and one tab. The situation repeated itself.
So the question arose if this is a bug then "Help me restore and figure it out" if not, then I'm very "lucky"
Thank you.
30.10.2020, 16:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Korzh Artyom Oleksandrovich
Client wrote:
Igor Ustimenko OneBox CTO wrote:

Here is what is currently displayed here https://box.beautyfactory.in.ua/admin/shop/workflow/
This is what I created today, so to speak, "pay"
Let's do it again.
Yesterday, he wore changes in the "work with the lead" process, he disappeared. I thought that I deleted it because a lot of tabs and windows were open.
Created a new one the same evening. Today in the office I was finalizing it in a separate window and one tab. The situation repeated itself.
So the question arose if this is a bug then "Help me restore and figure it out" if not, then I'm very "lucky"
Thank you.

Dear Artem, please describe the full chain of what and where was missing
because you gave too little information to understand what you did wrong
01.11.2020, 08:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello, I'll try to be more specific.
29.10. Edited the "work with a lead" process in the lead group. With the next save, it "disappeared" or rather, the steps with actions disappeared inside the process itself. At first I thought that I deleted it out of carelessness, since many tabs and windows were open (later I noticed that the business process itself disappeared both from the business process menu and from the side menu). On the same evening created a new process.
Finished it the next morning. But this time in a separate window and only in one tab so that the situation does not repeat itself. And he again disappeared completely, only the display in the side menu remained, which disappeared after a while. I created a "Temporary Lead" with a few steps to keep the lead going and In Process Lead to complete it.
Since this happened twice in a row, I think that this is not a coincidence.
02.11.2020, 11:13
Original comment available on version: ru

left log for deletion
you can check now
03.11.2020, 10:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Ustimenko Igor OneBox CTO wrote: I left the log for deletion, you can check it now

Thanks, can you tell me where to look?
03.11.2020, 16:11
Original comment available on version: ru

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