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Numbering business processes according to your own template

Greetings, there is a group of business processes, for example - "Repairs" consisting of business processes - "Paid repairs" and "Warranty repairs"
By default, an ascending serial number is generated for the document.
You need to set your own numbering for different business processes from the group.
For example "Paid repair" document number 1-12345
"Warranty repair" = 2-12345 or just 2212345
It seems to be the basic functionality, but I could not find the setting.
Original question is available on version: ru


Victor wrote:
Greetings, there is a group of business processes, for example - "Repairs" consisting of business processes - "Paid repairs" and "Warranty repairs"
By default, an ascending serial number is generated for the document.
You need to set your own numbering for different business processes from the group.
For example "Paid repair" document number 1-12345
"Warranty repair" = 2-12345 or just 2212345
It seems to be the basic functionality, but I could not find the setting.

similar functionality is now available only for documents - to make it for the process - about 4 hours
26.10.2020, 13:45
Original comment available on version: ru

Create a "test" (or product) contact. Write additional fields in it. And every time you create a new task with the help of actions, change the value of the required additional field for the contact (product). And then, using actions, drag this value into your task.
27.10.2020, 07:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Or like this: when creating a new task through actions, give it the name "1/No. of the created task" (where the number "1" corresponds to a specific block of business processes).
27.10.2020, 09:20
Original comment available on version: ru

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