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ID field in business process

Pass "product code" from the field: "Identifier"
what is the "ID" field?
for some reason did not find it in the business process to add
what does it contain?
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, ID is the id of the product in the OneBox system.
09.10.2020, 14:00
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Hello, ID is the id of the product in the OneBox system.

This is clear.
it is not clear why this field is not in the business process?
And where does the information come from?
09.10.2020, 15:37
Original comment available on version: ru

How should the product id be in the universal process block settings? The product id is, for example, in the process product table.
09.10.2020, 15:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
How should the product id be in the universal process block settings? The product id is, for example, in the process product table.

not in the table...
09.10.2020, 15:49
Original comment available on version: ru

https://prnt.sc/uw5k83 here it is, just called differently.
09.10.2020, 16:06
Original comment available on version: ru

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