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Incomprehensible wording in action

Возникают сложности в настройке логики работы системы?
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If you have the Parent process set in the "tasks for which to switch actions" setting, then when this checkbox is checked, not the Parent process of the Parent process will be checked, but simply the Parent process.
Those. if the project structure is like this:
main process
Child 1
Child 2
then when the action is triggered in the "Child 2" process with the above settings, by default, checks will go for the "Main process" and when you turn on the checkbox you are interested in for "Child 1"
09.10.2020, 12:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
If you have the Parent process set in the "tasks for which to switch actions" setting, then when this checkbox is enabled, not the Parent process of the Parent process will be checked, but simply the Parent process. if the project structure is as follows: Main process Child 1 Child 2, then when an action is triggered in the "Child 2" process with the above settings, by default, checks will go for the "Main process" and when you turn on the checkbox you are interested in for "Child 1"

However, you have formulations in action. It can be formulated as follows: "When the checkbox is checked, the status of the parent process (of the first level) will be checked. When it is turned off, the topmost parent process will be checked."
09.10.2020, 13:02
Original comment available on version: ru

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