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The option Prohibit resending this SMS when moving to the current stage again does not work

In the "Send notification via SMS" action, the option "Prohibit resending of this SMS when moving to the current stage again" is enabled, but the SMS was sent 2 times.

Process https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/415963/

Perhaps the problem is related to the action at the same stage “Creating a sales receipt, its fiscalization and delivery to the client by email,” which indicates the switching stages in case of successful and unsuccessful fiscalization.

When you switch to a stage again with unsuccessful fiscalization, the SMS is not sent; when you move to a stage with successful fiscalization after unsuccessful fiscalization, the SMS is sent again.

Those. The problem is that the stage with the action of sending SMS is intermediate.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
Have you tried setting up SMS sending in such a way that it sends a link to the check when it has already been fiscalized (at the appropriate stage)?
24.02.2024, 09:16
Original comment available on version: ru

The situation is that in 99% of cases a fiscal receipt is created, but apparently, due to problems with the response of the tax server, an error is recorded in the box and the process is transferred to a certain stage.
And because Sending a check as quickly as possible after receiving the parcel is a priority, then the sending action is at the fiscalization stage.
As a result, the client always receives an SMS with a link to the check, despite the “fiscalization error”, because The receipt id is generated in the box in 99% of cases.
Maybe you can solve the main problem with receiving information from the server? Because as a result, a check is always created, maybe the answer is just long.
26.02.2024, 17:39
Original comment available on version: ru

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