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Outgoing payments are not displayed in the Paid field

Process list link https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?dumpHash=&modelist=&... =&filterdeliverynote=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=&filterdelivery=&filterpayment=&filterpriority=&filternovaposhtastatus=&filterauthorid=&filterproject=&filterproductname=&filterproductid=&filterdatetofrom=&filterdatetoto=&filterdateplanfrom=&filterdateplanto=&filteremployerid%5B%5D=&workflowid%5B%5D=30&statusid%5B%5D=408& statusid %5B%5D=409&filterdeletedid=&filtercode1c=&ok=1

Example of a process where there are outgoing payments: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/578666/

I am adding screenshots
Original question is available on version: ua


CEO, owwa.com.ua
We found a solution, in the settings of the Payments and cash register application, it was necessary to remove the checkmark: "When calculating the amount of payment of the process, take into account payments according to the direction of the business process"
15.11.2023, 09:11
Original comment available on version: ua

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