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Change the main phone number in the contact card without deleting the phone number

Good day!

Help me find a solution, I had this problem on mvp, maybe we can find a way out on os?

On the example of the process https://crm.ohrana.ua/3165799/

The contact has a phone number, but when chatting it turns out that Viber is on a different number. The employee adds another phone number to the client, but when sending a Viber message, it is sent to the first one on the list, accordingly, in this process, the message will be sent to 044...

The message is sent by the action Send a universal Viber / SMS Turbosms message, the settings are as follows

Even if the first one from the list is made inactive, it will still be sent to it. Please do not suggest sending settings to all client phone numbers, this is not OK both from the point of view of spamming the client and from the point of view of message costs.

What is the way out? Is it possible to add some settings - a phone number for sending messages, and in the above action - send exactly to it? Please suggest a solution

ZY. Now, in order to send a message, the employee has to copy the first phone number and save it in another field, delete it from the phone number field, add a new phone number, save it, and only then add the previously deleted phone number. Of course it's too long

Thanks in advance
Original question is available on version: ua


In the process there is such a magic field, called "process client phone", you can write down the phone number specifically for the order in which you are working at the moment. Use it.
14.04.2023, 22:54
Original comment available on version: ru

is not suitable, since the integration with new mail is configured and the client number of the process = the number of the recipient, not the client. We need a shipment to the client's number (from the client's card)
What other options are there?
18.04.2023, 08:57
Original comment available on version: ua

Those. every time you want to choose from X client phones some main one for which SMS will go? Okay, I can make in the block for editing the client's phone number (is this a universal block on the screen?) the ability to change the client's main phone so that SMS goes to him later. Takes about 2 hours. Bill?
18.04.2023, 09:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Thank you, the solution is suitable, we will refine it, but a little later
04.05.2023, 09:41
Original comment available on version: ua

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