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Procedure runs every minute

Procedure runs every minute
Is there a procedure
Should fire when changes
It has the action "Set process execution/scheduling date based on an additional field of the parent process"
Sets the planning date based on the value of the additional field of the current process
Procedure runs every minute
Original question is available on version: ru


Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
This means that you have additionally configured actions that update this process once a minute.
23.03.2022, 14:48
Original comment available on version: ru

You can look at the history of changes from where a process change is called every minute.
Most of all, Andrey is right - you probably have an automation set up that updates an existing process.
If you can’t figure it out on your own, provide a link to the problematic process and we will help.
29.03.2022, 15:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
You can look at the history of changes from where a process change is called every minute.
Most of all, Andrey is right - you probably have an automation set up that updates an existing process.
If you can’t figure it out on your own, provide a link to the problematic process and we will help.

It was not possible to find an action that can automatically update the process every minute.
Look please.
02.04.2022, 10:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
You can look at the history of changes from where a process change is called every minute.
Most of all, Andrey is right - you probably have an automation set up that updates an existing process.
If you can’t figure it out on your own, provide a link to the problematic process and we will help.

The question is still relevant.
There is no action that can update the process.
There is nothing in automation.
There is an idea that 2 actions in one procedure restart themselves.
Actions: "Set process due/scheduled date based on additional field of parent process"
One records the planning date, the second the due date.
Can you check it out?
Screenshot attached
09.06.2022, 09:52
Original comment available on version: ru

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