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Finalization of the block "Check the presence of goods in the process by barcode" (add the found product to the process when the conditions are met)

I ask you to improve the block of the interface of the process "Check the presence of goods in the process by barcode"
you need to add in it the condition "add the found product to the process when the conditions are met" with a list of the following comparison options
- List of fields (additional fields of products of the process, additional fields of the process)
- Type of comparison (greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to)
- Control value
- option to add next condition
Work description
Set up a list of rules as follows
condition 1.
- Field: Remaining to be added (additional field of the process product)
- Comparison Type: Equal
- Control value: 0
condition 2
- Field: gift (additional product field)
- Type of comparison: equal
- Control value: 1
The goal is to make it so that only certain products can be added to the order as an exception to the general rule.
Scanning a product with a barcode 1234....
product extra. field "gift" is set to "
Original question is available on version: ru


Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
completion will take 4 hours

issue an invoice, please, for payment from FOP.
28.09.2021, 14:07
Original comment available on version: ru

There are clarifications:

Scanning a product with a barcode 1234....
product extra. field "gift" is set to "1"
Checking for conditions
according to the first condition, the product is absent in the process, condition 2 is triggered. the product is added to the process

It is clear here - there is no product in the process (it makes no sense to check the conditions for the additional fields of the process products) - the condition worked for the additional field of the process - we add the product. Otherwise - an error.

Scanning a product with barcode 543541
product extra. field "gift" is set to "1"
the product is already in the order. the value in the additional field of the process product is already "2"
Checking for conditions
we do not pass by the first condition. We go through the second one. We do not add a new record, we only write +1 in the field from the setting "Select an additional field of the process product in which to mark the presence of a product in the process"

It’s clear here - if you didn’t fit in the fields of the process product, but came up in the product - we write +1 in the field

Scanning a product with barcode 23154
product extra. field "gift" is set to "0"
the product is already in the order. the value in the additional field of the process product is already "2"
Checking for conditions
we do not pass by the first condition. We do not add a new record, we write +1 in the field from the setting "Select an additional field of the process product in which to mark the presence of a product in the process"

Here we do not go through both conditions - and write +1 in the field
What if both conditions are met? Do nothing or write +1 in the field?

Scanning a product with a barcode 654654
product extra. field "gift" is set to "0"
the product is already in the order. the value in the additional field of the process product is already "0"
Checking for conditions
both conditions fail. We display a message to the user that the product is already in the order. don't write anything down

Maybe there is a mistake in the description of the result? The condition for the process product came up to us - it turns out that we do nothing when there is a process product in the order that matches the additional field of the process product, but does not match the product field.
30.09.2021, 14:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
Maybe there is a mistake in the description of the result? The condition for the process product came up to us - it turns out that we do nothing when there is a process product in the order that matches the additional field of the process product, but does not match the product field.

just implement the triggering of conditions according to the "AND" rules. with a single additional check that if there is no product in the process, then the comparison condition for additional. exclude the process product field from the check.
specifically on your question, it just turns out that there is a product in the process, one of the conditions is not met, which means we do not add the product to the process, we only display an error message

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
What if both conditions are met? Do nothing or write +1 in the field?

this revision concerns ONLY the rule of adding a new product to the process, respectively, +1 should work according to the existing functionality. Those. if the conditions for adding a product to the process are met, then we add the found product to the process and give it +1, otherwise only +1 to the product found by the bar code.
02.10.2021, 11:32
Original comment available on version: ru

just implement the triggering of conditions according to the "AND" rules. with a single additional check that if there is no product in the process, then the comparison condition for additional. exclude the process product field from the check.
specifically on your question, it just turns out that there is a product in the process, one of the conditions is not met, which means we do not add the product to the process, we only display an error message

this revision concerns ONLY the rule of adding a new product to the process, respectively, +1 should work according to the existing functionality. Those. if the conditions for adding a product to the process are met, then we add the found product to the process and give it +1, otherwise only +1 to the product found by the bar code.

I'm still confused - if I have selected the check of 1 process product field and 1 product field, then in the following cases:
1. there is no product by barcode in the process - if the conditions for the product are met - add a new product to the process and +1 in the additional field
2. the product by barcode is in the process, one (or several) of the conditions are not met - we display an error message
3. the barcode product is in the process, all conditions are met - write +1 in the additional field
04.10.2021, 14:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
I'm still confused - if I have selected the check of 1 process product field and 1 product field, then in the following cases:
1. there is no product by barcode in the process - if the conditions for the product are met - add a new product to the process and +1 in the additional field
2. the product by barcode is in the process, one (or several) of the conditions are not met - we display an error message
3. the barcode product is in the process, all conditions are met - write +1 in the additional field

no, not so much. if by your logic go, then
1. There is no product by barcode - turn off the check on the fields of the product of the process, check the fulfillment of the conditions on the fields of the product, if they are met, then add the product to the process and write +1 in the add. field (standard functionality)
2. product by barcode is found in the process, ALL conditions are MET - add the product to the process AND +1 in add. field (standard functionality)
3. product by barcode found in the process, one of the conditions is not met - DO NOT add the product to the process AND +1 in add. field (standard functionality)
in other words
If the product is found in the process, then check for the fulfillment of the conditions according to the "AND" rule, if the conditions are met, then add a new product to the process
otherwise (when the product is not in the process), disable the check for add. process product field and check only for add. product field. If the conditions for additional product fields are completed, then add the product to the process
then run the standard action functionality regarding +1 and notifications that the product is not found
04.10.2021, 18:03
Original comment available on version: ru

no, not so much. if by your logic go, then
1. There is no product by barcode - turn off the check on the fields of the product of the process, check the fulfillment of the conditions on the fields of the product, if they are met, then add the product to the process and write +1 in the add. field (standard functionality)
2. product by barcode is found in the process, ALL conditions are MET - add the product to the process AND +1 in add. field (standard functionality)
3. product by barcode found in the process, one of the conditions is not met - DO NOT add the product to the process AND +1 in add. field (standard functionality)

05.10.2021, 09:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:

the setting is not saved http://i.prntscr.com/1pO8Nxs3R9OVfOuALQvqAw.png . check plz.
05.10.2021, 11:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Перегіняк Олександр
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)

Pereginyak Alexander
FOP Pereginyak O.P.
Oneboxconsulting (integrator) wrote:
the setting is not saved http://i.prntscr.com/1pO8Nxs3R9OVfOuALQvqAw.png . check plz.

here is the configured interface https://hillary.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/109/interface/
05.10.2021, 11:47
Original comment available on version: ru

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