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The action on the process step does not work: Change the process and step depending on the field values

Here is an example of a task that the system had to automatically transfer to the status Goods in stock


What settings must be made for the action to work properly.

According to the settings, the task should have automatically changed to the status of Goods in stock
Original question is available on version: ua Вячеслав Легеза


1. if you change the condition to "less than 1" - does it work?
2. are there no actions at the "Goods in stock" stage that can throw an error at the transition to the stage?
16.08.2024, 10:31
Original comment available on version: ua

Легеза Вячеслав iCOLOR OneBox
ФОП Легеза В.В.
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Maksym Vadimovich Tyndyk

OneBox production wrote:

1. if you change the condition to "less than 1" - does it work?

i will try

although it's not clear why it doesn't work with 0 if there is such a condition and setting

Maksym Vadimovich Tyndyk

OneBox production wrote:

2. are there no actions at the "Goods in stock" stage that can throw an error at the transition to the stage?

no, there are no such actions

only the Close action is active
16.08.2024, 11:39
Вячеслав Легеза Original comment available on version: ua

Легеза Вячеслав iCOLOR OneBox
ФОП Легеза В.В.
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Maksym Vadimovich Tyndyk
OneBox production wrote:
1. if you change the condition to "less than 1" - does it work?

checked, this option worked
but this is only part of the solution
Please fix it so it also works when set to 0
This is an important point, since it is 0 that we have to process as a numerical value.
16.08.2024, 12:52
Вячеслав Легеза Original comment available on version: ua

Легеза Вячеслав iCOLOR OneBox
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
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Legeza Vyacheslav

Maksym Vadimovich Tyndyk
OneBox production wrote:
1. if you change the condition to "less than 1" - does it work?

checked, this option worked
but this is only part of the solution
Please fix it so it also works when set to 0
This is an important point, since it is 0 that we have to process as a numerical value.

In order to get closer to the desired decision according to the necessary logic, he used a crutch.
I set the condition that the value should be less than 0.000001
But the fact is that you often need to work with exactly 0, as the action suggests.
0 is the same number as all the others.
20.08.2024, 10:17
Вячеслав Легеза Original comment available on version: ua

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