ERROR: Product by barcode 3330062134908 not found Goods that are posted in the warehouse are not found according to the barcode by which they were posted
ERROR: Product by barcode 3330062134908 not found Goods that are posted in the warehouse are not found according to the barcode by which they were posted
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1. The goods were sold
2. The goods appeared in the warehouse
3. But when we search by barcode 3330062134908 for a product in the warehouse that was previously posted, the system issues an error: Product by barcode 3330062134908 not found
Also, in the posting task, warehouse balances for this product are NOT displayed in the fields:
- Balance in warehouses
- Balance in warehouses (general)
Please help to fix this error.
1. The goods were sold
2. The goods appeared in the warehouse
3. But when we search by barcode 3330062134908 for a product in the warehouse that was previously posted, the system issues an error: Product by barcode 3330062134908 not found
Also, in the posting task, warehouse balances for this product are NOT displayed in the fields:
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