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The action for posting products to the warehouse did not work

In the task https://topbox.1b.app/15661/ we moved to the "Cashed in1" stage, the action "Cash in the process contents to the warehouse" was set at the stage https://prnt.sc/bzeSZvIpFnkC https://topbox.1b.app /admin/shop/workflowstatus/524/action/new/ this action did not work, the goods were not credited to the warehouse, but they were transferred to the stage. According to the settings of the action, the cell "37B" of the client "Test" should be credited to the warehouse "Warehouse for chevrons" (the action takes the data on the warehouse and the cell from the task from the corresponding fields of the process). Can you please tell me why it didn't work?
Original question is available on version: ru


According to this process, there is a posting to the warehouse "Warehouse for chevrons" but cell 23B
02.08.2023, 17:19
Original comment available on version: ru

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