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What knowledge is needed to become a full-fledged OneBox developer

I was interested in the question, what kind of knowledge and experience do you need to get in order to develop the 1b.app system?
Original question is available on version: ua


If you are talking about the stack, it is here
js still with jquery.
04.10.2022, 16:20
Original comment available on version: ua

OneBox production wrote:
If you are talking about the stack, it is here
js still with jquery.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for :)
04.10.2022, 18:59
Original comment available on version: ua

I want to add something:
1. Historically, there is only one team (company) https://1b.app/ua/partner/oneboxproduction/ which has the right to make changes to the OneBox code directly in the git repository. And such changes are rolled out automatically to all clients every morning.
Side effect: you can't order anything in production so that it doesn't get to all customers the next day.
And, I don't intend to give anyone else the rights to make changes to the git repository, except for onebox production.
2. It follows from point 1 that if you want to edit the OneBox code and make changes so that they arrive to all clients, you need to get a job at onebox production on their terms.
Without it, you can install OneBoxes only on client servers (boxes), and fully accept the risk that the update will come because of your changes:
- may not roll over
- it may roll incorrectly
- may erase all your changes
- (or disable updates)
3. It also follows from point 1 that the development of OneBox is slowed down because there is only one team that can use it universally.
To change this, we are working on an opportunity for any third-party programmers to create their own iframe apps and integrate them into OneBox.
That is, you create an application on your server, but connect it to OneBox via API. It is shown in the boxes as an application that will open in an iframe.
I consider such a path more promising and safe.
And also it does not limit you in technology: you can write in any language you know. You will need to deal only with OneBox APIv2 and OneBox ID API.
05.10.2022, 18:57
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ua

Miroshnichenko Maxim wrote:
I want to add something:
1. Historically, there is only one team (company) https://1b.app/ua/partner/oneboxproduction/ which has the right to make changes to the OneBox code directly in the git repository. And such changes are rolled out automatically to all clients every morning.
Side effect: you can't order anything in production so that it doesn't get to all customers the next day.
And, I don't intend to give anyone else the rights to make changes to the git repository, except for onebox production.
2. It follows from point 1 that if you want to edit the OneBox code and make changes so that they arrive to all clients, you need to get a job at onebox production on their terms.
Without it, you can install OneBoxes only on client servers (boxes), and fully accept the risk that the update will come because of your changes:
- may not roll over
- it may roll incorrectly
- may erase all your changes
- (or disable updates)
3. It also follows from point 1 that the development of OneBox is slowed down because there is only one team that can use it universally.
To change this, we are working on an opportunity for any third-party programmers to create their own iframe apps and integrate them into OneBox.
That is, you create an application on your server, but connect it to OneBox via API. It is shown in the boxes as an application that will open in an iframe.
I consider such a path more promising and safe.
And also it does not limit you in technology: you can write in any language you know. You will need to deal only with OneBox APIv2 and OneBox ID API.

3 - it's just wonderful))
Thank you for your time and detailed answer
13.10.2022, 15:06
Original comment available on version: ua

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