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No tags are passed from the description field to the API

Good afternoon. Client box: https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/
There was a problem. Why tags are no longer passed to the API from the standard description field (description), although the source code contains them: -> https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/5f4908585fafe9647dcd52c9/5f71f2f4b0f... image.png? Before, everything was fine, but now we just get the text in one paragraph.
For example, with an additional field for Ukrainian descriptions (opisaniyaopisi112), everything is fine even now. Source code and result: - > https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/5f71f2f4b0f9881f7f07e866/365x167/129...
Original question is available on version: ru


There is still no possibility to edit your message, so the first attachment belongs to the description field, the second - to opisaniyaopisi112
13.04.2021, 15:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Junger Irina wrote:
Before, everything was fine, but now we just get the text in one paragraph.

If you didn't have a special configuration enabled, that's how it always worked.
Only in 2016, it was possible for our employees to install the ability to receive products in the REST API and their description with html markup tags.
Actually, I included this configuration for the specified project.
14.04.2021, 15:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
If you didn't have a special configuration enabled, that's how it always worked.
Only in 2016, it was possible for our employees to install the ability to receive products in the REST API and their description with html markup tags.
Actually, I included this configuration for the specified project.

Thanks, we'll check. Previously, everything was in order - the tags were received.
14.04.2021, 16:41
Original comment available on version: ru

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