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Search results for query #order

1 answer
13.03.2024, 13:57
Problem searching for orders using API by auxiliary field
I make requests for a sample of orders through the API. I'm having trouble searching with an additional field. Here is an example of my query: http...
2015944255 - Added functionality for process import
For the import of processes, the ability to search by the field of the current ID (order.order_code1c) has been added.
7 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
16.12.2021, 15:43
Bug - Spіvrobіtnik bachel the margin in the history of zamovlennya, wanting you to have the rights to close the possibility
Axis in history https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/60034/history/?filter2_key=valueold&a...
2015849427 - Improved the functionality of the action "Copy process fields"
For the "Copy process fields" action, the ability to copy the order.order_storagetoid and order.order_storagecellid fields into additiona...
13 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
13.01.2021, 15:09
Nova Poshta
If you look for a solution to the NP buv zruchnіshim. As soon as typing "Kyiv", then all the foreigners from Kiev, and then from the Kiev...
2 answer
26.10.2020, 16:11
is it possible to edit the value of the field order.order_userid
Hello, please tell me how to edit the value of the order.order_userid process field Many thanks in advance for your reply!
2014622982 - Improved the functionality of the action "Copy process fields"
Added a variable to the action “Copy process fields”: “Storage to move”: order.order_storagetoid

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