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Search results for query #mono

3 answer
15.09.2021, 11:48
Pull payments only for a certain type of monobank card
Integration with monobank is configured. It pulls up data from 2 cards (black and white), but you need to pull it up only on a white card. Mono sup...
2 answer
Personal license
04.08.2021, 16:07
One of the integrations with Monobank does not work
Recently, it became possible to connect several Monobank cards. We connected two: https://crm.stylesalon.com.ua/admin/shop/integrations/monobank-in...
2 answer
Personal license
05.07.2021, 11:37
do not give "Monobank subscription"
switched the integration to another card, now it is impossible to add a diy in automation: https://take.ms/64oYZ axis, try: https://crm.stylesalon....
1 answer
25.01.2021, 15:12
Integration with banking systems (Privat24, Mono)
Please tell me if it is possible: 1. Make payments for outgoing payments Privat24? 2. Transfer money between private 24 cards in One Box? 3. How ma...

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