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Search results for query #hubber

3 answer
Personal license
10.05.2022, 17:43
Evaluate integration with Hubber
Hello! Tell me if you plan to integrate with https://hubber.pro/? If not yet, please evaluate the import of orders (product data, delivery address,...
4 answer
Personal license
28.01.2022, 18:30
What is the integration with Hubber?
good day! Hubber’s support seems to be that we already have integration with them, but not on MVP, not in OS її I don’t work. axis here bula vіdpov...
5 replies
07.04.2021, 18:03
Hello. I wanted to clarify whether any work is being done on integration with hubber? The parent topic is already closed and I can’t write in it: h...
3 answer
02.03.2021, 15:37
It seems like they were going to do synchronization with Hubber. Is it so ? Maybe done and work is being done now?

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