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Search results for query #chekbox

4 answer
The checkbox and some other integrations do not work after switching to the OS. Error 500
After switching to the OS, the integrations were pulled from the previous version, but they do not work. When going to their settings, error 500 is...
1 answer
27.04.2023, 14:16
Incorrect amounts when transferring a check to the Checkbox
Here https://sara.1box.link/41335/ On the button of the procedure "LiqPay" there is an action of fixing a check. Here https://sara.1box.link/app/ap...
3 answer
22.11.2022, 12:39
Please check the correctness of the settings and answer a few questions
api login and api password for settings https://ibb.co/tsPBXj8 taken from the CASHIER login and password https://my.checkbox.ua/dashboard/employees...
9 replies
Inscription. "sales" in the fiscal receipt
- an additional inscription appeared in the check. "sales" you can find out how it is set and why is it needed?

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