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Search results for query #создание

3 answer
24.03.2021, 16:08
When creating a user, the field is not displayed correctly
There is a setting for the user creation interface https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/selectwindow/user/interface/ there is a field "date of ...
2 answer
12.02.2021, 16:40
Remove fields
When creating a new order, this field is displayed for me. When I click the "additional contacts" button, my home list expands. fields. e...
9 replies
08.09.2020, 22:55
No access to create a product
Hello. I wanted to create a new product, I clicked on the corresponding button https://prnt.sc/udv8fg but it gives an error - Andrey, You do not ha...
1 answer
04.09.2020, 10:17
Bug when creating a wallet
When creating a new wallet during synchronization, the system issues an incorrect amount on the balance. The starting balance (the amount of money ...

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