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3 answer
Get the amount of the overlay from the already created tn Nova Poshta
Is it possible to make an action that would receive the amount of the overlay in the already created tn, so that after the creation of the tn manag...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
25.08.2021, 22:42
When creating a TTN, Justin / Justin writes an incomprehensible number to the card + it is not clear where and how to put down the amount of the overlay
1. Created TTN here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/48411/justininvoice/ Specified "Post-payment return form" = bank card In &...
3 answer
Ukrposhta overlay is not pulled into the form of manual creation of Ukrposhta ttn
- Ukrposhta overlay is not pulled into the form for manually creating ttn sample https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/10062/edit/...
3 answer
28.12.2020, 13:55
Return of cash on delivery to the NP card
Hello! Tell me how to set up receiving a money transfer from cash on delivery to a card, and not at a branch, by default for sending new mail? This...
2 answer
15.10.2020, 12:37
Bug/glitch does not always work the function "Take into account the amount paid on the order when calculating the amount of cash on delivery"
the function "Take into account the amount paid on the order when calculating the amount of cash on delivery" does not always work" ...
14 replies
receipt from Checkbox with likpay payment
the money has not yet fallen into the account, and the commission has already been torn off from them. and the action "Creating a sales receip...
8 replies
09.09.2020, 09:59
When you click on any button, save, send, create ttn, cancel and others, everything that is at the bottom of the screen to perform actions and chan...

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