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Search results for query #вес посылки

4 answer
01.11.2021, 14:10
Volumetric weight of the parcel
Is it possible to make the field Bulk weight of the package (screen 1) in the new mail tab in the process automatically filled in from the product...
23 answer
Weight check not working
The weight check does not work, the system skipped a 31 kg bag to a compartment with a limit of 30 kg. Order: https://oskarstore.crm-onebox.com/adm...
8 replies
10.03.2021, 14:31
New mail. Creation of TTN for more than 1 place
Good afternoon. Tell me, when forming a TTN, the total weight of the parcel and the total volume https://prnt.sc/10hypun are sent to the NP now, or...
1 answer
04.03.2021, 12:39
Weight consultation at TTN Nova Poshta
When we create a TTN with several places https://prnt.sc/10cu9nv and then print a TTN of zerbs, through the mass changes panel https://prnt.sc/10cu...

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